
Customer Loyalty: The Lost World

Customer Loyalty: The Lost World

Customer loyalty isn’t lost, but it has diversified. In a world where your competitors are only a click away, customer loyalty is really dynamic marketing. Today’s customers have access to an endless amount of information about your business. The question is: Are they willing to stop searching and stay with companies who go above and […]


Optimizing Spiff Programs

Optimizing Spiff Programs

One of MarketNet’s primary services is management of product SPIFF programs. There is much debate on whether SPIFFs actually work, as demonstrated in Interline’s The Human Side of Spiff blog. The underlying fact is that “a SPIFF run properly is one of the most effective branding tools a manufacturer has available in his marketing arsenal.” […]


Where Do Sales Leads…Lead?

Where Do Sales Leads…Lead?

It seems more and more companies spend a fortune setting up booth displays, calculating salary and travel expenses and forget the one thing they came for…their ROI…sales leads. Most sales leads are forgotten, delegated to a clerk or an outside dial-by-number service or are put on the back burner for months. Follow ups are not […]


How to Generate Greater Buzz with Social Media

How to Generate Greater Buzz with Social Media

As a marketing company, one question we hear frequently from business owners trying to get up to speed on social media is: Which social media platform is best for my business? Over the past few years alone, the number of online platforms and the opportunities to share content and branding have increased tremendously. Now it seems […]


How to Survive When the Internet is ‘Killing the Expert’

How to Survive When the Internet is ‘Killing the Expert’

Websites, online forums and social media are changing how people identify the individuals they consider to be experts in their field. In a time when anyone can blog, Tweet or post on any topic they want, it’s possible for just about anyone to emerge as the supposed ‘expert’ on just about anything — at least […]


How to Launch a New Product in Eight Steps

How to Launch a New Product in Eight Steps

It’s an age-old question: How do you get a new product to the person who needs it most? When using distributor channels it is imperative to get the product launch started on the right foot. With some internal awareness and a sound strategy, new product launches should have you shooting for the stars. For example, […]
