As a marketing company, one question we hear frequently from business owners trying to get up to speed on social media is: Which social media platform is best for my business? Over the past few years alone, the number of online platforms and the opportunities to share content and branding have increased tremendously. Now it seems […]
Websites, online forums and social media are changing how people identify the individuals they consider to be experts in their field. In a time when anyone can blog, Tweet or post on any topic they want, it’s possible for just about anyone to emerge as the supposed ‘expert’ on just about anything — at least […]
It’s an age-old question: How do you get a new product to the person who needs it most? When using distributor channels it is imperative to get the product launch started on the right foot. With some internal awareness and a sound strategy, new product launches should have you shooting for the stars. For example, […]
During flu season, the warnings are clear – don’t touch anything due to risk of infection. But when it comes to your information, you risk everything if you don’t learn to touch your data! Staying in touch with your data will result in amazing discoveries, including accountability. Here are a few case studies to prove […]
There is a spectrum of opinions when it comes to “brand,” which leads to a lot of money being spent on what companies consider “branding.” Branding is mostly identified with a product, but is also tied to the value of an organization or service. For example, cattle are literally branded with their ranch symbol, which […]
Today is the day you should be thinking about your marketing. Actually, you should be thinking about marketing every day. Marketing works best if you have a plan and a target and then every piece will fit together, if you have the right knowledge. The way to get the knowledge needed to run a successful […]
Are you ready to take your business to the next level? Staying in front of your customers by capturing their interest and keeping them engaged should be at the top of your list. The path to achieving this, however, is often obscured. Some studies have found that it costs four times as much to find […]